Markup Feedback and Consensus

Once a markup cycle has been completed, it is ready for review. When selecting a line item for review, options appear in IRIS located on the right of the panel.

The reviewer has three options for providing markup feedback:

  • Inference Engine (AI) suggested distribution

  • Human Intelligence (HI) to leverage the feedback given during the Markup phase

  • Risk Intelligence (RI) allows you to assign designated uncertainty ranges to any line item

Inference Engine (AI)

In this example, if you use the Inference Engine (AI), it applies the suggested distribution of 4%.

Human Intelligence (HI)

If you use the Human Intelligence (HI) of +14%, using AA’s (delegate’s initials) feedback, that Remaining Duration will take +3 days longer (24d v 21d).

Risk Intelligence (RI)

By selecting RI, you have chosen to not use HI or AI for that line item.

Uncertainty ranges are based on one of five categories the following categories:




Very Conservative

50% - 100%

Could take as little as 50% less


75% - 105%

Most likely less


90% - 110%

Within +/- 10%


95% - 125%

Most likely more

Very Aggressive

100% - 150%

Could take up to 50% more

You may only use one type of intelligence source per line. By selecting RI, you have chosen to not use HI or AI for that line item.


Using the Custom Intelligence lets you use a user defined level of risk.

Any changes that impact the project, either positive or negative, are shown in red.

Multiple User Feedback

In the event an item contains more than one member’s feedback, you can still decide between the different intelligence types. The Layer column shows all the members that contributed to that item.

Notice here where three members contributed their feedback:

  • AP (-7)
  • BH (+13)
  • CT (+7)

These values are added to the deterministic value to generate corresponding values.

If you decide to consider all the HI feedback, then a distribution triangle is automatically applied for the risk simulation distribution.

In some scenarios you have the option of setting a distribution to a triangular or uniform curve. A triangle uses the three points (min, likely, max) to generate a weighted distribution. A uniform distribution will use two points (min,max) as limits to a range and set the probability to an equal state for within the parameters.

If you want to discount or ignore a particular feedback, click on the contributor to remove them from the feedback. The distribution triangle adjusts automatically.

Distribution Options

When applying RI to a project item, you have the options to either set distribution to triangular or uniform distribution. A triangle uses three points of information, Min, Likely, and Max, to form a weighted distribution.

A uniform distribution uses two points, Min and Max to set limits on the range and models an even likelihood of hitting any points along the distribution.

Uncertainty Status

The Uncertainty Status column indicates what type of markup feedback is applied to each line item, using one of the following symbols:


Markup Feedback Assigned

Inference Engine (AI)

Human Intelligence (HI) with no markup values

Human Intelligence (HI) with strong consensus, with little variations

Human Intelligence (HI) with a large variation

Risk Intelligence (RI) Very Conservative (-50%)

Risk Intelligence (RI) Conservative (-25%)
Risk Intelligence (RI) Realistic (+/-10%)
Risk Intelligence (RI) Aggressive (+25%)
Risk Intelligence (RI) Very Aggressive (+50%)
Risk Intelligence (RI) Custom

For Human Intelligence (HI) feedback, you can hover over the symbol to find the variation percentage.
For Inference Engine (AI) and Risk Intelligence (RI) feedback, the Uncertainty Status Symbol will be a if using Triangular distribution and a square if using Uniform distribution.

The lock symbol represents that an uncertainty value has been applied to that line item and locks that value in place. For example, if a user assigns an uncertainty value to a parent line item, that value will be assigned to all its’ children lines, expect for those that are locked in with a value previously assigned.

Once feedback on uncertainty and events are reviewed, you are ready to generate outcomes via Risk Histograms and Tornado Analysis.